This is a project I did for Mandi Berry. I met her through Bonnie. They both were attending Harding University at the time. The cabin in the picture is made of Lincoln Logs.
The Lincoln Logs are actual scale replicas of a set that Grandpa had (and still has today) as a child. He brought down one of each type one afternoon and I sat down with a high accuracy ruler and took measurements of each piece (diameter, length, notch dimensions, notch spacing, etc). The only thing that he didn't have anymore was the roof, but he was able to tell me how it used to work so I could improvise the rooftop. Believe it or not, the dimensions of the Lincoln Logs of the 1920s and 1930s are quite different from the dimensions of today's Lincoln Logs.
I took my measurements and made some conversion to make them manageable units in the Bryce universe. After a day of measuring and converting I sat down and created one of each piece in the computer. Those were saved to a totally separate file so that I could use them in other projects later. This is one of the few instances where it took longer to assemble the concept than it took to render the project.
This work was released January 31, 2005 03:25 AM and can be found in the following galleries: Bryce 5 , Bryce 5: 2005 Renderings .